Sarah Pickin

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Natural Newborn Photography

Natural at home newborn portraits.

Those first few weeks with your newborn are just so precious. When I had my first son I thought the tiredness would never end, getting used to the change of having an actual tiny human to look after and keep safe seemed massive and daunting. But looking back, it’s so hard to remember those times. It isn’t long before that little newborn that can fold their legs in tight, with the soft fluffy hair and new baby smell is off toddling about on their own. The newborn stage is short and I look back at both my kids' baby photos and love remembering their tiny fingers and toes, even the wobble of their little chins when they cry and their beautiful eyes seeing everything for the first time. 

Of course I took SO many photos of them both. They are two very well documented kids. And I love to photograph those memories for other people too. 

I love to remember the little details like those tiny toes.

So, what is natural newborn photography? 

For me, this means the shoot is as natural as possible. There’s a little bit of posing just so I can ensure I capture each member of the family together, but there’s nothing overly formal about it. The shoot ideally takes place within the first two weeks of your newborns arrival so that they’re still fairly sleepy throughout the time I’m there, if that’s not possible though it doesn’t matter. I will always go at babies pace. If they need a feed, change or cuddle their happiness is the most important thing.

Capturing snuggles with big brother.

The shoot happens at your home, really all I need is some good window light! Taking the photos at your home means that there’s no stress in having to get ready and leave for a studio shoot, packing baby bags and spare clothes etc. We can take photos in the baby's nursery, moses basket or crib, bedrooms etc or the garden if the weather is nice enough. I can use your own blankets as well as bringing a few of my own - but it is nice to have meaningful and sentimental items around of your own.

I think it’s always important to get shots of siblings and parents too, often as mums and dads we get a bit forgotten about so I’m always keen to get you involved too. I know I didn’t like getting in many photos in those early days because I was so tired and postpartum, my body wasn’t back to how it used to be, but looking back I am so grateful for those few images I do have, remembering those times and knowing that my body had created that little person is pretty special.

How does it work?

Once you know your due date you can book a session. We’ll pencil it in (because babies like to arrive in their own time) and as soon as your baby has arrived we’ll agree on a final date and time for the photoshoot. After the shoot, I’ll start editing your photos, you’ll receive the final edited photos through a private online gallery where you can pick your images to download and any order any prints or wall art you might like.

If you’re interested or if you’d like to ask me any questions, get in touch with me here.